New blog based on Blogofile

As some of you may have noticed already, my blog suddenly looks very different.
I've abandoned Serendipity in favor of Blogofile, which is a Python-based static-site generator. This means I write posts as text-files, they get processed, merged with templates, HTML gets generated, and a fully static site is the result. In fact the only dynamic thing remaining are the comments, which are now powered by Disqus over JavaScript. This allowed me to ditch PHP and MySQL, and reduce the load on the server quite a bit. Search is powered by Google. I've also overhauled the template to look nicer and be fully XHTML 1.0 Strict compliant. Thanks to Free CSS Templates for the design!
I've also added a few more parts to the site, now it's not only a pure blog, there's a welcoming page, one about UZH and one about me. As well as a better media gallery. Everything is available via HTTPS, as usual. At the bottom I link to my projects, as well as interesting blogs I follow.
If you find anything not working, be it a link or post, please tell me right away, so I can fix it, thanks!

UPDATE: I've written an ebuild for Blogofile, you can get it from my overlay. It pulls in all required dependencies to run. For my own blog, I also needed dev-python/imaging for the gallery controller.

Posted by Luca Longinotti on 09 Nov 2011 at 20:00
Categories: Website, Gentoo Comments

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