27C3: Day 4

Last day of 27C3 (but not last day in Berlin!), the weather is the usual: foggy and damn cold.
I thought to visit the Fernsehturm tomorrow, but that doesn't make much sense if the fog covers the city and you don't even see a mile in the distance...
I managed to get a 27C3 T-shirt, but no jacket, as those were all sold out right away, at least in my size, like no one could predict that people would buy jackets when it's -10 °C outside, and that IT guys mostly aren't an S or an M size. :(
Arrived at about 12:20 at the BCC, managed to get the same places as yesterday, and it seems to me that today there are less people around.

  • 12:45 "Cybernetics for the Masses", I didn't really know what to expect here, and it totally blew me away: that woman is a mix of awesomeness and total craziness (though she calls it curiosity, and I can kinda understand that :D). She presented a few projects she did on herself, concerning body modification through sub-dermal implants, though she kinda seems to disregard her own health doing them. Not something for me.
  • 13:45 "Hackers and Computer Science", I kinda started watching this as a filler, waiting for "Data Analysis in Terabit Ethernet Traffic" to start, but then this turned out to be an amazing talk about how Hacking is (or should be) considered its own discipline, and how it deeply connects to academic research and topics, and how the interaction between the two should be increased. In the end "Data Analysis in Terabit Ethernet Traffic" wasn't even transmitted over stream, so I didn't see it at all.
  • 16:00 "How the Internet sees you" promised to be a good talk, but I was disappointed, I mean, I already know that my ISP can look at my packets and can thus tell basic stuff like source IP, destination IP, size, etc. and that he can see the DNS queries I make (as he owns the DNS server usually), and so on...
    I hoped to see some special tools in action that actually give you precise user tracking, and maybe some real world cases from ISPs having to tap someone for law-enforcement, but this wasn't the case, there were just a few graphs about how the traffic was distributed at the Congress, and that was it. So I switched to "International Cyber Jurisdiction", which raised very interesting points about how jurisdiction matters in the Internet-Age and how it gets a lot more complicated.
  • 17:15 will bring "Security Nightmares", which usually is a very good talk about security problems, both in retrospective and in the future.

We'll go grab a bite at Las Malvinas, it's a steak-house near the hotel, and it looks like they have some really great meat. I'll probably not blog anything until after I return to Switzerland, because WLAN at the hotel is very expensive. By the way, it's offered by our very own Swisscom! Yeah, Swisscom does hotel WLAN in other countries, surprising!

Posted by Luca Longinotti on 30 Dec 2010 at 16:50
Categories: Longi, CCC Comments

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