27C3: Day 2

Day 2 of Congress started late, sleeping is important!
At around 11:00 we were there again, and again upstairs, which I personally prefer: it's much more open, there's a better view of outside (I know it's strange, but I kinda like those things called windows :D ) and better lightning. Network seems to work better than yesterday, LAN works fine, WLAN on the phone too, and the streams are mostly stable.

  • 12:30, I started by following the "Lying To The Neighbors" talk about tracker-less BitTorrent, but, while it was interesting and well done, I don't use tracker-less BitTorrent, and it couldn't hold my attention, so I switched over to the "Reverse Engineering the MOS 6502 CPU" talk, which I found more enjoyable.
  • 14:00, "I Control Your Code" was a very well done overview of the main flaws in programs that allow for compromise of your system, how they work, and how user-space virtualization (basically another layer of indirection that translates code and adds lots of checks, both static and dynamic, to prevent problems) could mitigate/block them.
    It was a very informative talk, providing examples, and both explaining basic as well as more advanced attacks and techniques.
  • 16:00, "Is the SSLiverse a safe place?" provided an overview on how SSL is deployed worldwide (courtesy of the EFF's SSL Observatory project) and what problems there are in the current SSL infrastructure (mostly related to trusting too many CAs, that can't really be verified as being trustworthy).
  • 17:15, the talk I wanted to watch about "Data Analysis in Terabit Ethernet Traffic" by Lars Weiler got moved to Day 4, so I watched part of FX's talk on "Building Custom Disassemblers", very interesting, but also very specialized, I don't think I'll ever have to analyze the binary code from some PLC or other obscure embedded device in the near future myself.
  • 18:30 brought "Defense is not dead", a talk on how todays computers still rely on security models from the 70/80s, and how there actually are programming languages, techniques and so on that were developed in the last 20 years that can prevent many of the security problems we encounter constantly, along with formal verification of code (or parts of it at least), and how using those can lead to more secure computers.

We then went to get some food at Alexa (hmm Nordsee, fish, yeah!), to be ready for the expected highlight of the day:

  • 20:00, "High-speed high-security cryptography: encrypting and authentication the whole Internet", by Daniel J. Bernstein, a very interesting talk on why DNSSEC and HTTPS are incomplete (and sometimes faulty) solutions to fully securing the Internet, and how to deploy new protocols he developed (CurveCP and DNSCurve) to fix that. While it sounds great and seems to be deployable easily and without breaking compatibility too much, I don't really see this taking over HTTPS/DNSSEC's market share easily, but we'll see.

After that, we went back to the Hotel, where we watched four episodes of "Two and a Half Men" on the television (awesome, I hadn't seen those yet!), and coded a little; I managed to finish the Rig stack and queue and write much better documentation for them.

Posted by Luca Longinotti on 29 Dec 2010 at 15:00
Categories: Longi, CCC Comments

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